Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M Karunanidhi said he had to ponder over whether his government should continue in power if attacks on Sri Lankan Tamils continued unabated in the island nation, even after the union government's stern warning to Sri Lanka on the issue, the Chennaionline said.
Addressing a rally in Chennai to protest the attacks on Sri Lankan Tamils by the island nation's army, he said that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had spoken to him on the issue this morning, after which National Security Advisor M K Narayanan summoned the Sri Lankan Deputy High Commissioner at New Delhi to convey the country's protest over the attacks.
If the attacks continued even after this, there was no point in his government continuing in power, he said.
Though the Chief Minister had spoken vaguely on the subject, leading the media to interpret that his party might consider withdrawal of support to the UPA government, sources close to him clarified that Karunanidhi had only spoken about his government and not the UPA government.
Karunanidhi said the DMK general council would meet soon to decide the next course of action. (Chennai online)
Addressing a rally in Chennai to protest the attacks on Sri Lankan Tamils by the island nation's army, he said that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had spoken to him on the issue this morning, after which National Security Advisor M K Narayanan summoned the Sri Lankan Deputy High Commissioner at New Delhi to convey the country's protest over the attacks.
If the attacks continued even after this, there was no point in his government continuing in power, he said.
Though the Chief Minister had spoken vaguely on the subject, leading the media to interpret that his party might consider withdrawal of support to the UPA government, sources close to him clarified that Karunanidhi had only spoken about his government and not the UPA government.
Karunanidhi said the DMK general council would meet soon to decide the next course of action. (Chennai online)