In the face of rapid army build-up against LTTE strongholds at Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu, the LTTE is likely to be forced to re-deploy a section of the sizeable group deployed across a 12 kilometre stretch on the neck of the Jaffna peninsula.
Backed by artillery pieces and mortars, the LTTE group on the Jaffna front has thrice thwarted attempts by the 53 and 55 Divisions to push southwards across Muhamalai.
Several months ago the army estimated the total number of cadres deployed on the Jaffna front over 1,000 armed with over a dozen artillery pieces.
The military said that the rapidly deteriorating situation for the Tigers on the multiple Vanni fronts, where 57 and 59 Divisions had secured commanding positions against Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu towns, would force the LTTE to re-deploy units.
The 57 Division is operating in Mullaitivu west while the 59 Division is across the A 9 on Mullaitivu east, the army said.
Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa told The Sunday Island the LTTE was fast running out of reinforcements.
"They are caught on several fronts simultaneously," he said. ``They had never experienced this before. The offensive was on track.’’
Army Chief Lt. General Sarath Fonseka Friday visited Security Forces headquarters at Vavuniya where he applauded the efforts of officers and men while reminding their future targets would be more challenging.
Fonseka told The Sunday Island that his troops had the upper hand in all fronts.
The military said the 57 Division was in the process of consolidating their positions at Tunukkai situated about 20 kilometres west of Mankulam, Uyilankulam situated about 5 kilometres north of Tunukkai while the spearheads had secured Akkarayankulam tank just 12 kilometres southwest of Kilinochchi.
Army headquarters said that troops had been initially deployed along 115 kilometre stretch of forward defence line on the Vanni mainland between the Mannar coast on the northwest and Kokkuthuduwai on the northeastern coast. But due to rapid progress on the Vanni front the shape and the distance of the line had been regularly altered.
The Task Force I advancing on the Mannar-Pooneryn (A 32) road had reached the outskirts of Nachchikudah, one of key points in the LTTE sea supply route across the Gulf of Mannar and the Palk Straits. Of the 82 kilometre road which connects with the Jaffna peninsula through Sangupiddy-Kerativu causeway, the Task Force I now control 55 kilometres.
On Mullaitivu east, the 59 Division has pushed about 15 kilometres northwards of its launching positions at Janakapura, Kiriibbanwewa and Kokkutoduvai.
Army headquarters said that troops were operating west of the Nayaru lagoon heading towards the Mullaittivu town situated on the Eastern border of the district. The forward most positions of the Division are about 15 kilometres south of Mullaitivu.
The Task Force II advancing west of the A9 road is conducting operations in the Palammoddai area