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Army regains Jeyapuram, Nachchikuda 57 Div captures Akkarayankulam tank bund- The Island- 2008/10/30

by Shamindra Ferdinando

Army operations west of the A9 have reached a decisive stage with troops overrunning the main LTTE defence line at Nachchikuda hours after regaining strategically located Jeyapuram, 6 km north-east of Nachchikuda.

The LTTE Wednesday morning abandoned Jeyapuram after several days of fighting. Troops moved in after a heavy artillery bombardment targeted LTTE fortifications in an area of about four sq. km.

Fighting elements of the Task Force I have launched clearing operations in the area as they fought their way towards Nachchikuda, the main Sea Tiger base on the north-western coast. The army late last evening overran Nachchikuda defences. The LTTE lost Vidattaltivu Sea Tiger base on July 16th.

A senior military official based in Vavuniya told The Island that the fall of Jeyapuram had facilitated a multi-pronged offensive directed at Nachchikuda. According to him, Jeyapuram, situated east of the Mannar-Pooneryn (A32) main road had been the main obstacle faced by the army in its advance towards Nachchikuda. The official said that the fall of Nachchikuda was imminent.

As the Task Force I had breached the Nachchikuda defences, the 57 Division brought the entire Akkarayankulam tank bund situated north of Akkarayankulam under its control. Army headquarters said that with the capture of the 2 km long bund, troops deployed on the north-western part had joined the troops on the north-eastern side of the tank.

Troops positioned at Kunchchikulam and North of Manniyankulama have stepped up operations. The Task Force I has also advanced about 5 km northwards from the Manniyakulam-Therumurikkandi road.

The Task Force I last Sunday (Oct 26) cleared LTTE units operating in the Nochchimodai area to expand the area under its control north of Kunchchikulam. Troops engaged in search operations recovered two LTTE bodies along with three T 56 assault rifles.

Nochchimodai is situated on the landmass west of Kilinochchi and in the middle of the 20 km stretch separating Mannar-Pooneryn (A32) road and the Jaffna- Kandy (A9) road. The Task Force 1 troops, after breaching the LTTE’s earth bund at Vannerikulam several weeks ago had been operating ahead of Manniyakulam junction, Kunchchikulam and Nochchimodai.

Meanwhile, troops in operations conducted at Asirikulam and Manik Farm colony on Tuesday recovered five hand grenades, one T-56 assault rifle, six magazines, 120 rounds of ammunition, ten anti-personnel mines, four pressure mines, two hand grenades, nine detonators, 2 kg of C-4 explosives and two detonator codes. Two persons believed to LTTE operatives were arrested.



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