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Kilinochchi front : vital positions captured- Daily Mirror-2008/10/29

By Kurulu Kariyakarawana

Troops captured two vital positions on the Kilinochchi battlefront yesterday -- a large built up area called Jayapuram and the entire earth bund

Army capture built along the Akkarayankulam Tank.

Army Task Force 1 took control of the LTTE stronghold Jayapuram, located Northeast of Nachchikudah in Kilinochchi District last morning.

According to military sources, Jayapuram is a highly built up area comprising many houses and some state offices and business establishments controlled by the LTTE adjacent to its administrative capital Kilinochchi.

When the troops entered Jayapuram, the area was deserted, and Tiger cadres and civilians (who were forcibly held) were believed to have withdrawn towards the North.

Troops from Task Force 1 are now in the process of clearing the area and intensifying security, the Media Centre for National Security said.

Meanwhile, the Army’s 58 Division, yesterday, completely captured the 25 kilometre long earth bund (built by the LTTE, North of Akkarayankulam Tank in the Vannerikkulam area, to obstruct advancing troops).

Meanwhile Task Force 1 troops making their way into the Madam and Nachchikudah areas in Kilinochchi District recommenced their thrust against LTTE positions on Tuesday and continued fighting last afternoon, the Army said.

Heavy clashes between the troops and LTTE resulted in many LTTE casualties, ground sources said.

Troops also simultaneously conducted search operations elsewhere in Asikulam and Manik Farm Colony in Vavuniya where five hand grenades, one T-56 weapon, six magazines, 120 rounds of ammunition, ten anti personnel mines, four pressure mines, nine detonators, 2 kg of C-4 explosive, and two detonator cords was uncovered on Tuesday.

Two men, suspected to be LTTE operatives were arrested in connection with the recovery at Manik Farm Colony and are being questioned by the Police.

Meanwhile, troops of the 59th Division in Andankulam area in Welioya had a spate of confrontations with the LTTE until about 6.00 p.m. on Tuesday.

Troops confirmed that the LTTE suffered heavy damage in the confrontations.

Troops in Welioya also recovered 59 anti-personnel mines from Andankulam area on Tuesday, reports said.



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