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Indian factor won’t hinder Vanni offensive Jets zero-in-on Black Tigers as JVP claims suspension of air raids- The Island- 2008/10/31

by Shamindra Ferdinando

The SLAF struck at a Black Tiger training facility north-west of Puthukkudirippu shortly before JVP leader Somawansa Amarasinghe said the government had suspended air strikes due to growing Indian pressure.

SLAF headquarters said that jets launched from Katunayake had zeroed-in-on the target at 10 a.m. Dismissing Amarasinghe’s claim, an authoritative military official told The Island that the SLAF took a range of targets over the past several days. Wednesday evening, the 57 Division had called close air support to thwart an LTTE counter attack on the Akkarayankulam tank bund.

Responding to The Island queries, the official said that a blackout on air operations or any other military activity for that matter shouldn’t be perceived as suspension of operations.

Addressing a press conference at the Sri Lanka Foundation Institute (SLFI), Amarasinghe, flanked by JVP General Secretary Tilvin Silva and Anura Kumara Dissanayake, said India had forced President Mahinda Rajapaksa to slow down the ground offensive on the Vanni front and suspend SLAF strikes. Amarasinghe asserted that Rajapaksa would eventually give in to the Indian pressure.

Tilvin Silva said that although India wouldn’t favour division of Sri Lanka on ethnic lines as it would be detrimental to India’s national interest, she would come to the LTTE’s rescue. India wanted to manage the conflict as it would give her the opportunity to meddle in Sri Lankan affairs, he said.

Amarasinghe retracted his statement on slowing down of the ground offensive and suspension of SLAF strikes when The Island asked for his comments on the latest battle-field gains on the Vanni front. After a sustained operation, the Task Force I on Wednesday morning brought Jeyapuram under its control.

Several hours later, the Task Force I breached the main Nachchikuda defence line. The 57 Division, too, brought Akkarayankulam tank bund under its control.

Amarasinghe attacked President Rajapaksa for giving in to Indian and US pressure. Severely criticising the US stance as articulated by Ambassador Robert Blake at a recent function in Chennai where he disputed Sri Lanka’s vow to wipe out the LTTE before sitting down for talks, the JVP leader said the international community was attempting to throw a lifeline to the LTTE. He said that India and the US had adopted a common strategy to deal with Sri Lanka and that would be detrimental to the country.

Tilvin Silva said that President Rajapaksa wouldn’t give in to US and Indian pressure to call off the offensive due to domestic compulsions. He may not suspend the military drive at once but eventually ceasefire would come into operation, he said.

The JVP said that according to an Indo-Lanka joint statement issued at the end of Sri Lankan envoy Basil Rajapaksa’s visit to New Delhi, India called for the implementation of the 13th Amendment and greater devolution of powers to the provinces. Amarasinghe said that India wanted Sri Lanka to go beyond the 13th Amendment.

A service chief said that the war effort should be devoid of petty political issues. Commenting on the Indo-Lanka joint statement, he said the JVP leadership had conveniently turned a blind eye to the bilateral agreement that terrorism should be countered with resolve.



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