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Aid workers to complete pull-out by Sept 29 -Daily News- 2008/09/17

Humanitarian assistance to be continued from Vavuniya:

COLOMBO: Disaster Management and Human Rights Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe said yesterday that the United Nations and other aid groups re-commenced their pull- out from Kilinochchi and were expected to complete the re-location process in Vavuniya by September 29.

However the International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) would continue its presence in the area to help the needy, the Minister added.

He said these groups would continue their humanitarian assistance and development programmes in the region directing operations from Vavuniya.

While re-iterating the Government’s commitment in assuring safety and wellbeing of the civilians living in non-liberated areas, the Minister said all measures were afoot to make Vavuniya a humanitarian assistance hub to help an exodus of IDPs due to military operations in Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu.

Following a brief halt to the movement of men and material by UN agencies, the effort re-started yesterday which was relayed by the UN resident representative, the Minister added.

The Minister said the process started following a request by the Defence Secretary on September 08 asking them to re-locate to Vavuniya due to security and safety concerns of humanitarian workers in the face of military operations

The Defence Secretary had articulated the Government’s position the Minister said, adding that the authorities also had agreed to a request by aid agencies to extend the withdrawal deadline to September 29

The Minister said he was confident that the re-location process would be completed as expected by the 29th. However the ICRC was an exception and would continue to extend its presence in the affected areas to assist the needy the Minister said.

He said at a meeting with UN, NGO and INGO groups, the Defence Secretary had asked for a detailed report regarding their ongoing and completed humanitarian assistance and development work to facilitate continuity.

These organisations would be given help to continue their work unhindered by directing operations from Vavuniya, he said.

Strict orders have been relayed to security forces and Authorities to make safe passage for civilians fleeing the non-liberated areas and make all arrangements for their safety and wellbeing.

UN staff withdrawn

The United Nations pulled its staff out of uncleared areas yesterday.

“All expatriate and local staff who are not from Kilinochchi and Vavuniya have been moved out,” UN spokesman in Colombo Gordon Weiss told reporters. He did not say how many staff were withdrawn in total.



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